Сжечь всё и начать заново

Кинокомпания: Баланс Белого
Страна: Россия
ТВ канал: Домашний
Год: 2024
Премьера: 21 февраля 2024 (Домашний)
Серий: 4 серии
Жанр: Мелодрамы
Режиссер: Татьяна Киселева
Актеры: Анастасия Безбородова, Виталий Ходин, Елена Голякова, Ирина Помозова, Анастасия Кувшинова, Игорь Литовкин, Таисия Манцурова, Сергей Масленников, Владимир Дубровский, Антон Даниленко, Алексей Неустроев, Вероника Саркисова
Описание Сжечь всё и начать заново
The TV series "Fire" is over and starting again. Rewrite the articles, making sure that the new content is unique and does not contain repeated use of information from the original article.Young beauty Olga suddenly learns that she is expecting a baby. She shares the joyful news with her beloved Konstantin, but he is not ready to become a father yet. He abandons the pregnant girl and soon starts dating Alice - her stepsister. After some time, Konstantin realizes his mistake and returns to his ex, breaking the heart of the abandoned relative. Olga feels guilty for Alice's unhappiness and, together with her little daughter Kate, moves to another city. There she finds a job at a local children's hospital as a pediatrician and, after years, starts dating the chief doctor. The news of his infidelity makes the obedient subordinate think about temporarily changing the situation, and she turns her gaze towards the long-forgotten hometown...
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